
Clenbuterol is a steroid-like chemical that was initially developed to treat asthma in horses, working by relaxing the airways in the animals’ lungs.



Clenbuterol can be used as a weight-loss aid because it can increase a person’s metabolism. As well as reducing body fat and weight, it also allows the user to retain both muscle mass and body strength at the same time.

The drug is both a decongestant and a bronchodilator. A decongestant thins the blood to reduce blood pressure while a bronchodilator widens the vessels that carry oxygen, so the volume of oxygen in the blood increases.

In some European and Latin American countries, clenbuterol is approved as an asthma drug for humans too. But, in the United States, it is a banned substance for this purpose.

In the U.S. in the past, clenbuterol has been used in animal rearing as well as by vets. In 1991, the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service found it had been fed to livestock, so the animals gained more muscle and less fat. But, again, in many countries, clenbuterol is illegal for animal use.

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The drug is now controversial because of its use in bodybuilding and weight-loss programs.
In this article, we take a look at how clenbuterol works, when it is used, and what the risks are for people who take it.

How it works?

Clenbuterol stimulates both the heart and central nervous system. It has a similar effect on the body as epinephrine and amphetamines.
It is also a beta-2-agonist, which is the opposite of a beta-blocker. While a beta-blocker will reduce the production of epinephrine and noradrenaline, clenbuterol increases it.

This increase will lead to a variety of effects, such as:
● rapid fat burning
● excitability
● nervousness
● increased energy
● greater determination

Side Effects

The reason clenbuterol is banned in so many countries and has become so controversial is that many side effects are associated with it.

Many of the side effects are the same as those associated with amphetamines, including:
● anxiety
● shaking
● headaches
● abnormal sweating
● raised body temperature

More information

Clenbuterol has been observed to both increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. Additionally, it remains in the body with an active effect for up to about six days after consumption (detectable traces can remain longer). Because of these properties, it’s often used as a weight loss supplement or to enhance athletic performance.

People taking clenbuterol for weight loss or performance enhancement often use anabolic steroids or growth hormones as well.
Studies on the efficacy of clenbuterol as a weight loss or performance enhancer in humans are quite limited, although many studies have been performed in animals and livestock:

ResearchersTrusted Source have observed that clenbuterol stimulates muscle growth and repair while preventing atrophy in mice and rats.
StudiesTrusted Source in livestock have indicated that the increase in muscle growth occurs at the expense of fat tissue. This is part of a process referred to as repartitioning.

A studyTrusted Source in horses found that long-term administration of high doses of clenbuterol increased the expression of genes related to various muscle components and fat metabolism.

Despite the fact that there is minimal evidence for clenbuterol as a performance-enhancing drug, it’s listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Prohibited List.


Athletes and bodybuilders taking clenbuterol will often work on a program cycle that includes on and off periods.

Such a program could mean 2 days taking clenbuterol and 2 days without taking any, or perhaps a week taking the drug followed by a week of none.

Dosage can vary, depending on factors that include gender and tolerance, and it can be taken orally or injected.
Both methods have risks. Injections can cause scarring or air bubbles to form in the blood, while tablets can affect the liver.

When used in Europe and Latin America to open up the airways in cases of asthma, the recommended dose is 0.02–0.04 milligrams (mg) per day.


Clenbuterol isn’t approved by the FDA for use in humans. Outside of the United States, it can be used to treat asthma or COPD. The drug is often used off-label for weight loss or to enhance athletic performance.

Clenbuterol is on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Prohibited List. Professional athletes testing positive for this drug can be disqualified from participating in competitive sports.

Clenbuterol can have negative side effects when overused or misused.
It’s important to strictly follow all dosage guidelines when using clenbuterol.

User reviews

Review 1
At 1st, my body temperature soared and I thought the top of my head would come off and that lasted about 30 minutes. I didn’t want much to eat and lost 2 lbs the first day of taking this pill.

Review 2
Great for cutting body fat. I have used it a few cycles 2weeks on 2weeks off for 2 months and have prior exp. with it. Clen causes jitters and higher body temps. Drink your water and up your potassium “eat a few bananas”! While taking clen you diet is most important for great results.

Review 3

Great for weight loss; however, a side effect is severe muscle cramps throughout the whole body. Literally, from toes, fingers, quads, to even jaw cramps. Recommend that if you take make sure you stay hydrated and take “taurine” to help with muscle cramps.

Review 4

I will enlighten everyone a little bit. Recommended first dose is 40mcg (not mg), increase by 10-20 per day until you notice shaking and increased body temperature. Your body will metabolize it pretty quickly, so you will need to increase dosage as the above side effects disappear. Never consume more than 150mcg/day if you’re a male or 100mcg/day if female. Avoid strenuous exercise within 4-5 hours after you have consumed the drug because it could lead to permanent expansion of heart ventricles.


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